What is Action Learning? 

Action Learning has emerged as a method of choice for global companies, government agencies, and non profit groups that want to improve quality, cut costs, create new products and services, and change the cultures of their organizations. They use Action Learning to solve complex problems, develop leaders, build teams and expand corporate capability.

Are your “problem solving meetings” causing problems?

Action Learning solves problems and develops leaders simultaneously thanks its simple rules which force participants to think critically and work collaboratively. As a leader, the Action Learning coach assists group members in reflecting, not on their problem solving, but on the elevation of their group functioning. Action Learning participants become effective leaders as they solve difficult problems.

Move beyond old, ineffective group dynamics and watch the transformation. Learn to think differently. Identify the real challenges and advance real and sustainable solutions in real time…It’s time to bring in an …. Action Learning Coach

Action Learning Components

The Action Learning process is an exceptional problem-solving tool that has the amazing capacity to simultaneously build successful leaders, teams and organisations. It involves a small group working on real problems, taking action, and deliberately learning as they go. It positions inquiry and questions at the heart of organisation culture.

Action Learning tackles problems through a process of first asking questions to clarify the exact nature of the problem, reflecting and identifying possible solutions, and only then taking action. Questions build group dialogue and cohesiveness, generate innovative and systems thinking, and enhance learning results.


Action Learning Helps Individuals

  • Enhance personal effectiveness and productivity
  • Reflect on and learn from individual experience
  • Enhance personal leadership and soft skills
  • Develop self-confidence and assertiveness
  • Improve awareness of how assumptions, beliefs, attitudes and organizational interests influence thinking, decisions and actions
  • Develop Emotional Intelligence (EI): self awareness, others’ awareness and adaptability
  • Find the courage to speak up and encourage others to do the same

Action Learning Helps Teams

  • Dramatically enhance team performance
  • Develop positive, mutually-respectful working relationships with co-workers at all organizational levels
  • Develop individual and team problem-solving and decision-making capability
  • Enhance capability to reflect on and learn from collective experience
  • Develop awareness in the context of multi-cultural diverse teams
  • Continually monitor and enhance team functions

Action Learning Helps Organizations

  • Enhance business performance at all levels
  • Rapidly solve urgent and important and business challenges
  • Achieve a substantial Return on Investment (ROI) on organization improvement projects
  • Develop a culture of staff engagement, involvement and performance
  • Establish effective succession planning by developing highly qualified candidates for promotion to executive leadership positions
  • Become a learning organization
  • Become more strategic in goal setting
